
Get rid of batteries or capacitors: MEMPHIS Electronic dramatically simplifies embedded designs with Netsol-MRAMs

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28. marts 2023 | Memphis Electronic

MRAM is one of the most promising non-volatile memory technologies that are trying to fill the gap between NAND flash and Random Access Memory (SRAM and DRAM) in terms of density, speed and power consumption. MEMPHIS Electronic a leading specialized distributor of memory ICs, DRAM modules and flash solutions, covers this emerging memory area with Netsol’s STT-MRAMs (Spin Transfer Torque). This new memory represents a very promising evolution of the original MRAM technology that is ideally suited for code storage, working memory, data logging and backup memory in industrial designs like automotive applications, ultra-sound systems or smart meters.

“Many embedded designs today need batteries or capacitors to prevent memory loss in the event of power failure,” explains Marco Mezger, President and COO of MEMPHIS Electronic. “With the Netsol-MRAMs industrial manufacturers save valuable board space, but what’s more, they reduce the number of passive components and their dependence on the current long delivery times.”

The evolution of the MRAM technology from Netsol integrates an additional Magnetic Tunnel Junction layer on top of the CMOS fab process. The data that is stored in this layer is non-volatile. This way, the new memory IC combines low latency with high-speed read and write operation as well as virtually unlimited rewriting capability.

With the help of Samsung Foundry, Netsol has introduced STT-MRAMs in a 28nm manufacturing process with an unmatched high yield. This brings down costs and ebbs the way for broad usage in virtually all industrial and embedded applications that today use batteries or capacitors to prevent data loss or have a consistent and high data logging rate. Applications include smart meters, tire pressure monitoring systems, drone flight data capturing, or ultra-sound and MRI scanners.

Samples in capacities of 1Mb to 16Mb, in serial and parallel interface FBGA, TSOP2, and WSON packages are available now.

About MEMPHIS Electronic:
MEMPHIS Electronic is a leading specialized distributor for memory ICs, DRAM memory modules and NAND flash solutions. Founded in 1991 the company has 30 years of experience in the market. With a 100 percent focus on memory and a portfolio of over 20 manufacturers, MEMPHIS Electronic provides a wide range of memory solutions for demanding embedded applications. Memory experts in 14 locations worldwide provide regional support and manufacturer recommendations, to ensure the most suitable technology solution for their customers’ projects.

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Memphis Electronic

MEMPHIS Electronic er en specialiseret distributør, der udelukkende fokuserer på memory IC’er til industrielle applikationer. Med over 18 producenter i vores sortiment har vi en af de bredeste porteføljer af DRAM- og Flash-komponenter og -moduler på markedet. Det der kendetegner MEMPHIS er, at vi tilbyder et partnerskab om at finde de hukommelsesprodukter, der passer til vores kunder. På et marked, der er så stærkt standardiseret, ligger differentieringen ofte ikke i selve produktet, men i det økosystem og de tjenester, som en producent tilbyder. I mere end 30 år har vi haft succes på markedet

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Lars Hansen

Regional Manager

Memphis Electronic

Lars Hansen
