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- Case
14. april 2023 | Grinn Sp. z o.o.
Flowplan is offering an IoT solution for collection consumption data from industrial appliances and coffee machines. Water consumption is measured and processed in order to accurately predict consumpt
- Case
14. april 2023 | Grinn Sp. z o.o.
The world's first in-store device that evenly applies protection to shoes in an enclosed space. Thanks to the protective case, the device is completely safe and environmentally friendly, and the proce
- Case
14. april 2023 | Grinn Sp. z o.o.
Innovative and exceeding industry standards camera, that connects to external sensors using wireless radio. This mobile monitoring camera is suitable for indoor and outdoor use as it’s waterproof. It
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14. april 2023 | Grinn Sp. z o.o.
A small but efficient baggage tracker, that automatically detects movements and switches itself on, goes into sleep mode with the door of the aircraft closing and automatically wakes up arriving at th
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14. april 2023 | Grinn Sp. z o.o.
Ambitlocker is a keyless padlock of a new generation. Users get their individual pincodes in seconds, monitoring system allows you to control each of your padlocks, see in real-time whether it’s avail
- Case
14. april 2023 | Grinn Sp. z o.o.
Interactive educational block game for children with different types of games for individual or joint play. The cards placed in the wrong sequence are discarded from the playing board, the correctly s
- Case
13. april 2023 | EDRMedeso ApS
Electric Motor Design – Maximizing Performance while Minimizing Cost and Climate Impact
Read about how EDRMedeso’s customer, Grundfos, employs state-of-the-art simulation solutions from Ansys to design efficient electric motors.
What are the challenges faced during product developme
- Case
13. april 2023 | EDRMedeso ApS
Integrated design of flywheel energy storage systems
Read about how EDRMedeso’s customer, WattsUp Power, employs state-of-the-art simulation solutions from Ansys to accelerate innovation process in the company.
What are the challenges faced during pr